
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program e-Learning Initiative

An investment for the future
With support from this dynamic partnership, participating institutions will build capacity to accelerate, adopt and sustain e-learning. The initiative seeks to change policy, develop practices and build resources that create favorable conditions for scalable, sustainable online education. Mindset shifts toward online learning will become increasingly positive through strengthening supportive infrastructure at the institutional level.
Building capacity together
Our approach is shaped by the design principles underpinning the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program e-Learning Initiative
The initiative is co-designed by collaborators
The initiative leverages the strengths of each entity
The initiative focuses on impact and sustainability.
The initiative is building the foundation for working and learning together.

Together we will:
- Build capacity at the systems level through roundtable sessions, workshops and other engagement activities to support institutional change and policy focused on e-learning.
- Help institutions build internal expertise in e-learning by providing advanced certification of faculty and instructors at Scholars Network institutions through training, mentoring, peer networking and content development support.
- Establish system-level support and expertise through a distributed Center of Excellence, guide member institutions on the evolution of their e-learning resource centers and provide ongoing support services to member institutions.
- Assess and measure the process of progress of e-learning readiness and adoption through participatory research and evaluation and scale-up design.
A collaborative partnership
The initiative leverages the strengths of the trilateral partnership to achieve learning that leads to progress and prosperity for families and communities. Learn more about the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program e-Learning Initiative.